Kurisu is also on:


Kurisu has been blogging for a year now!


I read fluff on impulse

Exactly one week ago, Sunday the 23.02.2025, Germany had it's major elections. One day later, on Monday, I talked to my therapist about it. Tragically he couldn't help, because he couldn't single-handedly stop the rise of fascism. Bummer.

So instead I did what I usually do: Find some fluff to get lost in while my life gradually derails. I started reading Ototsuku more or less obsessively and made sure I wouldn't do anything productive other than one work-shift I reluctantly attended. Unlike usually I did leave the house to have have fun though (reluctantly), which is why I went to my local TCG shop on Pokémon day to throw some money at booster packs, get some promo cards and meet some friends. I also had a doctors appointment and had a blood sample taken. I didn't look, I never do, but it hurt a lot more than usually. The syringe was bubbling and I still have a bruise. No idea if this was the nurses fault or if I was just horrible dehydrated, probably both though.
Anyway, card rotation is coming up in the Pokémon TCG, which means a lot of good cards will become illegal and shake up the meta. Before that happens I wanted to get some more use out of my current Miraidon-deck, which is why I went to a slightly further away cup on Saturday to spend more money on Pokémon cards. It went well, and I felt well, but I had to win the last round of Swiss to make top cut, got nervous and fumbled. (This happens a lot)
Anyway, not making top cut meant a friend of mine could leave early, and I proposed to do some shopping, since my attire for spring and fall could be best described as "winter clothes but I'm sweating" and "summer clothes but I'm freezing". I then impulsively bought a coat for 130€. Which is a fuck-ton of money, but also pretty much all jackets or coats cost that much, and I really needed some new rain jacket-adjacent thing. Also it's a very cute coat.

Anyway. I think I am now ready to temporarily leave gremlin-mode again and get some shit done. Tomorrow I'll go to another 勉強会(study meet), and I'll try to get some shit done.

Listening to: Girl meets NUMBER GIRL by Kinoko Teikoku


The Jongers curse

I'm still coughing! But I don't wanna talk about that. I wanna talk about how I took up Riichi Mahjong last weekend and I just might be addicted. I basically played no other games this week, only Mahjong. Every free minute I spend either climbing the ranks, or playing with a bunch of friends, which might also be the reason why todays media log entries are from stuff I already finished watching last weekend. Right now I'm only updating the blog because I'm actually on a study meet and I'm procrastinating on my essay. But uh... maybe that's a reason to keep this one short and get back to work.

Listening to: Liar Dancer by Masarada


Speaking is silver, silence is gold

I'm feeling a lot better by now, to the point where I would not consider myself sick anymore. I do however have this horrible lingering cough that was getting better, but then I decided to attend a Pokémon TCG local, which was lots of fun. There is just one problem: I kinda talked a lot there. And that wasn't good. I feel like my cough got a lot worse again and now I probably get to experience it's effects for another week or so. But I had fun! It could have gone better, but I'm used to performing like this, so I do not particuarly mind.

You know, in a month this blog will have it's two year anniversary, a fact that I am trying to keep in mind this time. I would like to commemorate this occasion by starting to post themed blog posts. As of now I don't really know how that's gonna look like, but would like to have a dedicated place for posting my thoughts on certain topics, themes or ideas that are going through my head. When this blog started, I thought I would just do that here, but especially ever since I took all the talk on media over to the media log, this blog here has pretty much just been a diary. Which I like! It's nice to just have a space where I can reflect on my life and write just for the sake of writing. But like any diary, despite this one being public, the text here are mostly written for me, and the people curious enough about my recent endeavours to consentually peep into my diary.
I don't want to leave my writing at that though. I want to put out pieces that can stand on their own, because they are offering my perspective on a topic that people who don't know me can relate to on one way or another. I want to write text that will be meaningful in a year as more than just a time capsule into where my brain was at at the time of writing, and I do not want to lump them into this blog, because they will be swept away inbetween the time-sensitive stuff. Like, even if you aren't me and are still reading this blog, it is usually not worth scrolling down far, right? You read the most current entry to know where Kurisu is at right now, and then your interest is stilled. So I'm thinking about how I want to present this different type of blog post to everyone. It will probably look just like this here and just have a different name, but I'm not sure yet. Stay tuned though, it might just end up being kinda cool!

Listening to: GO by yuzuha


Yo, check out my sick sickness!

So, I had a few plans for last week. Tandem, Pokémon cards, DnD, work... the usual. But I did none of that, for I have been entirely occupied with being sick as can be. Monday last week everything was still fine, except that I went to bed with a headache. Tuesday morning I got up and called in sick at work for Wednesday. I was freezing, sweating, coughing, everything hurt. Only now it is slowly getting better. Which is good, because I can't take off another day at work. But hey, with ibuprofen, the heater on full blast and four layers of clothing I could at least sit in front of the computer for a few hours a day. So I got a lot of anime and gaming done. Making great progress on Terranigma, Blue Reflection and Pokémon Horizons. So that was nice. Worst part was always sleeping. I had so many nightmares, woke up so often, everything was always painful because I was dehydrated like hell despite drinking like a maniac. I still tried to sleep more though, in hope that it may accelerate my recovery. No idea if it did, but it did fuck with my Pokémon Sleep ratings.

Now I'm mostly just coughing, with runny nose, so the worst is behind me. I hope this week I'll be able to go to a Pokémon card local!

Listening to: haikai:pop by lilbesh ramko


New year, new laptop

The time has finally come: The time for me to write my first blog entry on my brand new old laptop!
I've been taking it to uni for the first time today, where I usually meet up for a 勉強会 (study meet) with a friend at the library. Today however I didn't actually do anything for uni, which kinda sucks, but it doesn't mean I haven't been productive. I have spent two hours doing paperwork that will hopefully get me a bit more money down the line. Now we got the study room for 30 more minutes, and I'm not about to start working on my essay for that. But it's a pretty reasonable time frame to write a blog entry in! And because I brought my laptop, I can literally just do it. Just like that, here and now, as convenient as it is to do it at home. It might sound like I'm overselling it a bit, and I might be, but I'm also just really psyched to have a reasonably sized mobile work station that just works. I hope this will translate into my university work too, once I actually go to these study meetings to study.

Other than that the start of the new year has been pretty slow, and to be honest I wouldn't really have it any other way. I've mostly just been working, but also making some plans for this year that seem more achievable the less overwhelmed I am, so I'll try to make the most out of that. I really wanna go to Japan this year. Probably in the summer, not because of the summer itself, but because that's when most of my friends will be able to make time, which I'm really looking forward to. But for now I gotta go and actually deliver all that paperwork, because today is the deadline so I can't have it sent by mail anymore!

Listening to: Tōkyō wa yoru no shichiji by PIZZICATO FIVE

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